Data Mining Process


  • The workflow of a typical data mining application

    • Data collection (데이터 수집)

    • Pre-processing (전처리: 활용을 위한 정제)

    • Analytical processing and algorithms (분석 처리와 알고리즘)

    • Post-processing (후처리)

Major Tasks in Data Preprocessing

  • Data cleaning
    : Fill in missing values, smooth noisy data, identify or remove outliers, and resolve inconsistencies

    => 변수가 누락되어 있는 경우와 잘못 기록된 경우는 어떻게 처리하는지

  • Data integration
    : Integration of multiple databases, data cubes, or files

    => 여러 데이터를 합칠 때, 일관성을 해치지 않는 방법

  • Data reduction
    : Dimensionality reduction, Data compression

    => 데이터가 너무 클 경우 어떻게 줄이는가

  • Data transformation
    : Discretization, Normalization

    => 데이터를 어떻게 변형시키는가

Data Cleaning

📙 NOTE: Data Quality: Why Preprocess the Data?

  • Measures for data quality: A multidimensional view
  • Accuracy: 얼마나 정확하게 데이터가 수집이 되었는지. correct or wrong, accurate or not
  • Completeness: 기록이 잘 안된 것들은 없는지 not recorded, unavailable, …
  • Consistency: 일관성이 있는지. some modified but some not, dangling, …
  • Timeliness: 얼마나 주기적으로 업데이트가 되는지. timely update?
  • Believability: how trustable the data are correct?
  • Interpretability: how easily the data can be understood?

현실의 데이터들은 매우 다양하고 더럽다. “Data in the Real World Is Dirty.”

: Lots of potentially incorrect data, e.g. instrument faulty(기록하는 장치가 잘못된 경우), human or computer error(인간 또는 컴퓨터 오류), transmission err(전송 오류)

  • Incomplete
    : lacking attribute values, lacking certain attributes of interest, or containing only aggregate data. (데이터들 사이에 missing value가 존재)
    • e.g. Occupation=“ ” (missing data)
  • Noisy
    : containing noise, errors, or outliers (데이터 중간에 섞여있는 노이즈, 에러 또는 이상치.)
    • e.g. Salary=“−10” (an error)
  • Inconsistent
    : containing discrepancies in codes or names (두 feature 사이의 불일치.)
    • e.g. Age=“42”, Birthday=“03/07/2010”
    • Was rating “1, 2, 3”, now rating “A, B, C”
    • discrepancy between duplicate records
  • Intentional
    : 잘못된 일반화.
    • e.g. 7th of July is everyone’s birthday.

=> 이런 것들을 적절하게 처리해서 깔끔한 데이터를 만들어야 한다.

Incomplete (Missing) Data

  • Data is not always available

    e.g. many tuples have no recorded value for several attributes, such as customer income in sales data

  • Missing data may be due to

    • equipment malfunction

    • inconsistent with other recorded data and thus deleted

    • data not entered due to misunderstanding

    • certain data may not be considered important at the time of entry

    • not register history or changes of the data

  • Missing data may need to be inferred

Assumption for Missing Data

📙 NOTE: Notation

  • Missing or Not for variable Y: M = 0 (observed), M=1 (missing)
  • Other observed variable X
  • Missing Completely at Random (MCAR)

    • Missingness is independent of attributes and occurs entirely at random: $P(Y \vert M) = P(Y)$

    • Unrealistically strong assumption in practice

  • Missing at Random (MAR)

    • Missingness is related to other attributes (missing이 될지 말지가 다른 변수들에 의해 영향을 받는다) : $ P(Y\vert X, M) = P(Y\vert X) $

    • e.g. 설문조사에서 25세 미만인 사람들의 연봉 칸이 대체로 비어있다. -> 25세 미만은 학생이기 때문에 직업이 없어 연봉이 없을 가능성이 높다. (상관관계)

    • The missingness can be explained by the variables that are actually observed

    • e.g. Missing data on hobbies tend to be more common among individuals with higher incomes

  • Missing Not at Random (MNAR)

    • Missingness is related to unobserved measurements (related to the reason it’s missing) : $P(Y\vert X, M)\neq P(Y\vert X)$

    • Informative or non-ignorable missingness

    • e.g. Missing values in education level can imply lower education levels

    • missing된 것이 어떠한 변수에 의한 즉, 원인이 있는데 그 원인이 되는 변수가 데이터에 기록이 되지 않아 파악이 어려운 경우.

  • y: Variable with missing values
  • Blue: observed data
  • Red: missing data

How to Handle Missing Data?

  • Eliminate data tuples or attributes (데이터 삭제)

    • Usually done when class label is missing (when doing classification)—not effective when the % of missing values per attribute varies considerably

    • 데이터가 너무 많은 경우에 가장 편하다.

  • Fill in the missing value manually: tedious + infeasible?

  • Fill in it automatically with (데이터 채우기)

    • a global constant : e.g., “unknown”, a new class?!

    • the attribute mean

    • the attribute mean for all samples belonging to the same class: smarter

    • the most probable value: inference-based such as Bayesian formula or decision tree

  • Imputation Using (Mean/Median) Values
    : 평균 또는 중앙값을 이용
👍 Pros 👎 Cons
- Easy & Fast - 단점은 딱히 없다.
- Works well with small numerical datasets - 굳이 따지자면 성능이 그렇게 좋진 않다.

  • Imputation Using (Most Frequent) or (Zero/Constant) Values
    : 가장 빈도가 많은 값 또는 0을 이용
👍 Pros 👎 Cons
- Works well with categorical features - 큰 단점은 딱히 없다.

  • Imputation Using Inference-based Method (i.e., k-nn, multi-variate imputations, deep learning)
    : 데이터의 특징들을 이용하여 예측
👍 Pros 👎 Cons
- Can be much more accurate 가장 정확하다 than the mean, median or most frequent imputation methods. (It depends on the dataset) - High computational costs with large datasets 모델을 또 하나 만들어야 하는 수고가 요구됨
  - You have to specify the columns that contain information about the target column that will be imputed

Noisy Data

  • Noise : random error or variance in a measured variable

  • Incorrect attribute values may be due to

    • faulty data collection instruments

    • data entry problems

    • data transmission problems

    • technology limitation

    • inconsistency in naming convention

  • Other data problems which require data cleaning

    • duplicate records

    • incomplete data

    • inconsistent data

=> Data Quality에 관한 문제!!!

How to Handle Noisy Data?

  • Binning 구간화

    • first sort data and partition into (equal-frequency) bins

    • then one can smooth by bin means(평균), smooth by bin median(중앙값), smooth by bin boundaries(최대, 최소 중 가까운 쪽 값, 즉 경계값으로 대체됨), etc.

  • Regression 회귀

    • smooth by fitting the data into regression functions

    • 두 개 이상의 속성으로 다른 속성을 예측해 최선의 직선을 찾는다.

  • Clustering 군집화

    • detect and remove outliers

    • 유사한 값들을 묶어서 그룹을 만들고, 그 그룹에서 벗어난 값들을 제거한다. (즉, outlier 대상으로 smoothing)

  • Combined computer and human inspection

    • detect suspicious values and check by human

    • e.g., deal with possible outliers

Data Integration

  • Data integration 데이터 통합

    Combines data from multiple sources into a coherent store (여러가지 소스의 데이터를 합치는 것)

  • Schema integration 스키마 통합

    Integrate metadata from different sources

  • Entity identification problem

    Identify real world entities from multiple data sources (각각의 sample들이 여러가지 데이터 소스에서 오기 때문에 이름 같은 것들이 다를 수 있다.)

    (e.g. Bill Clinton = William Clinton)

  • Detecting and resolving data value conflicts

    For the same real world entity, attribute values from different sources are different

    Possible reasons: different representations, different scales

    (e.g. metric vs. British units)

Handling Redundancy in Data Integration (데이터 통합에서 중복을 제거하는 방법)

  • Redundant data occur often when integration of multiple databases

    • Object identification: The same attribute or object may have different names in different databases

    • Derivable data: One attribute may be a “derived” attribute in another table, e.g., annual revenue

  • Redundant attributes may be able to be detected by correlation analysis and covariance analysis

  • Careful integration of the data from multiple sources may help reduce/avoid redundancies and inconsistencies and improve mining speed and quality

Correlation Analysis (Nominal Data)

  • $x^2$ (chi-square) test

    • $x^2=\sum{(observed-Expected)^2\over Expected}$

    • 두 개의 변수가 있을 때, 그 변수의 예측값과 실측값들의 분포를 비교해서 얼마나 두 개의 다른 categorical variable이 서로 관련이 있는지를 본다.

    • The larger the $x^2$ value, the more likely the variables are related

    • The cells that contribute the most to the $x^2$ value are those whose actual count is very different from the expected count

  • Correlation does not imply causality. 상관관계는 인과관계를 함축하지 않는다.

    • number of hospitals and number of car-theft in a city are correlated

    • Both are causally linked to the third variable: population

Chi-Square Calculation: An Example

  Play chess Not play chess Sum (row)
Like science fiction 250(90) 200(360) 450
Not like science fiction 50(210) 1000(840) 1050
Sum(col.) 300 1200 1500

$x^2={(250-90)^2\over 90}+{(50-210)^2\over 210}+{(200-360)^2\over 360}+{(1000-840)^2\over 840}=507.93$

  • 첫 번째 변수(: 체스를 할 수 있는지 없는지)와 두 번째 변수(: SF를 좋아하는지 좋아하지 않는지)의 상관관계

  • $x^2$ (chi-squared) calculation (numbers in parenthesis are expected counts calculated based on the data distribution in the two categories)

  • Chi-square는 자유도 k(Degree of freedom)에 따라 달라진다.

  • It shows that like_science_fiction and play_chess are correlated in the group

  • $p(x^2>507.93) \approx 0$

Correlation Analysis (Numeric Data)

: Correlation coefficient (also called Pearson’s product moment coefficient)

  • $r_{A,B} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(a_i - \bar A)(b_i - \bar B)}{(n-1)\sigma_A \sigma_B} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(a_ib_i) - n\bar A\bar B}{(n-1)\sigma_A \sigma_B}$

    • $n$ = the number of tuples (데이터의 개수),

    • $\bar A$ and $\bar B$ = the respective means of $A$ and $B$ ($A$와 $B$의 평균)

    • $\sigma_A$ and $\sigma_B$ = the respective standard deviation of $A$ and $B$ ($A$와 $B$의 표준편차)

    • $\sum(a_ib_i)$ = the sum of the $AB$ cross-product.

  • If $r_{A,B} > 0$, $A$ and $B$ are positively correlated ($A$’s values increase as $B$’s). The higher, the stronger correlation.

  • $r_{A,B} = 0$: independent (독립)

  • $r_{A,B} < 0$: negatively correlated

Visually Evaluating Correlation

Covariance (Numeric Data)

: Covariance is similar to correlation

  • $Cov(A,B) = E((A - \bar A)(B - \bar B)) = \frac {\sum_{i=1}^{n}(a_i-\bar A)(b_i - \bar B)}{n}$

  • $Cov(A,B) = E(A \cdot B) - \bar A \bar B \qquad r_{A,B} = \frac{Cov(A, B)}{\sigma_A \sigma_B}$

  • Positive covariance
    : If $Cov(A,B) > 0$, then $A$ and $B$ both tend to be larger than their expected values.
  • Negative covariance
    : If $Cov(A,B) < 0$ then if $A$ is larger than its expected value, $B$ is likely to be smaller than its expected value.
  • Independence
    : $Cov(A,B = 0)$ but the converse is not true

Covariance: An Example

  • Suppose two stocks $A$ and $B$ have the following values in one week: (2, 5), (3, 8), (5, 10), (4, 11), (6, 14).

  • Question: If the stocks are affected by the same industry trends, will their prices rise or fall together?

    • $E(A)=(2+3+5+4+6)/5=20/5=4$

    • $E(B)=(5+8+10+11+14)/5=48/5=9.6$

    • $Cov(A,B) = (2×5+3×8+5×10+4×11+6×14)/5 − 4 × 9.6 = 4$

  • Thus, $A$ and $B$ rise together since $Cov(A, B) > 0$.

Data Reduction

Data Reduction 1: Dimensionality Reduction

  • Curse of dimensionality 차원의 저주

    • When dimensionality increases, data becomes increasingly sparse (희소해진다)

    • Density and distance between points, which is critical to clustering, outlier analysis, becomes less meaningful

  • Dimensionality reduction 차원 축소

    • Avoid the curse of dimensionality

    • Help eliminate irrelevant features and reduce noise

    • Reduce time and space required in data mining

    • Allow easier visualization

  • Dimensionality reduction techniques 차원 축소 기술

    • Wavelet transforms

    • Principal Component Analysis

Attribute Subset Selection

  • One way to reduce dimensionality of data

  • Redundant attributes 중복된 변수 제거

    • Duplicate much or all of the information contained in one or more other attributes

    • e.g., purchase price of a product and the amount of sales tax paid

  • Irrelevant attributes 상관없는 변수 제거

    • Contain no information that is useful for the data mining task at hand

    • e.g., students’ ID is often irrelevant to the task of predicting students’ GPA

Data Reduction 2: Numerosity Reduction

  • Clustering

    • Partition data set into clusters based on similarity, and store cluster representation (e.g., centroid and diameter) only

    • Can be very effective if data is clustered but not if data is “smeared”

    • Can have hierarchical clustering and be stored in multi-dimensional index tree structures

  • Sampling

    • Obtaining a small sample s to represent the whole data set $N$

    • Sampling is typically used in data mining when processing the entire set of data of interest is too expensive or time consuming.

    • Key principles for effective sampling are:

      • A sample is representative if it has approximately the same properties (of interest) as the original data set.

      • If a sample is representative, using the sample will work almost as well as using the entire data set.

Types of Sampling

  • Simple Random Sampling

    • There is an equal probability of selecting any particular object

    • Sampling without replacement 비복원 추출

      • As each object is selected, it is removed from the population

      • The same object cannot be picked up more than once

    • Sampling with replacement 복원 추출

      • Objects are not removed from the population as they are selected for the sample

      • The same object can be picked up more than once

    • Simple random sampling may have very poor performance in the presence of skew

  • Stratified Sampling

    • Split the data into several partitions; then draw a random sample from each partition (데이터를 뽑을 때, 파티션을 나눠서 뽑는 샘플링)

Sampling: With or without Replacement

Sampling: Stratified Sampling

Data Transformation

  • A function that maps the entire set of values of a given attribute to a new set of replacement values s.t. each old value can be identified with one of the new values

  • Methods

    • Smoothing: Remove noise from data (평균을 적용해서 노이즈를 제거하는 것 - ex.이동평균)

    • Attribute/feature construction

      -New attributes constructed from the given ones

    • Simple function: $xk$, $\log(1+x)$, $e^x$, $\left \vert x \right \vert$, $\dots$

      -금융 데이터의 경우, 수치 그 자체보다 비율이 중요하기 때문에 대부분 $\log$ 를 취한다.

    • Normalization 정규화: Scaled to fall within a smaller, specified range (값을 어떤 범위 안에 넣어 주는 것 - 모든 데이터를 일관적인 형태로 관리하기 위함.)

      • min-max normalization

      • z-score normalization

      • normalization by decimal scaling

    • Discretization: Concept hierarchy climbing (연속적인 변수를 잘라서 나누는 것)


  • Min-max normalization: to $newmin_A$, $newmax_A$

    • $v\prime = \frac {v-min_A}{max_A - min_A} (newmax_A - newmin_A) + newmin_A$

      • $v$ 라는 값에 내가 가진 attribute의 가장 작은 $min$ 값을 빼주고, $max - min$으로 나누어 주면 모든 값이 0~1 사이로 가게 된다.

      • 모든 값들을 가장 큰 값을 1로 두고, 가장 작은 값을 0으로 두고, 그것을 linear하게 꾸미는 형태가 normalization 정규화이다.

    • Ex. Let income range 12,000 to 98,000 normalized to $[0.0, 1.0]$

    • The 73,000 is mapped to $\frac{73600−12000}{98000-12000} (1 − 0) + 0 = 0.716$

  • Z-score normalization ($\mu$: mean, $\sigma$: standard deviation):

    • $v\prime = \frac{v - \mu_A}{\sigma_A}$

    • Ex. Let $\mu=54,000$ , $\sigma=16,000$ . Then, $\frac{73600-54000}{16000}=1.225$

=> ex. 표준점수 (표준편차로 변환해서 내가 평균보다 얼마나 많이 앞서있는지($\sigma$) 알아본다)


  • Three types of attributes

    • Nominal — values from an unordered set, e.g., color, profession

    • Ordinal — values from an ordered set, e.g., military or academic rank

    • Numeric — real numbers, e.g., integer or real numbers

  • Discretization: Divide the range of a continuous attribute into intervals
    어떠한 기준을 가지고 나누는지가 중요한 관건이 된다

    • Interval labels can then be used to replace actual data values

    • Reduce data size by discretization

    • Supervised vs. unsupervised

    • Split (top-down) vs. merge (bottom-up)

    • Discretization can be performed recursively on an attribute

    • Prepare for further analysis, e.g., classification

    => 데이터를 단순화시키고 싶을 때 많이 쓰는 방법

Simple Discretization: Binning

  • Equal-width (distance) partitioning

    • Divides the range into N intervals of equal size: uniform grid

    • if $A$ and $B$ are the lowest and highest values of the attribute, the width of intervals will be: $W = (B –A)/N$

    • The most straightforward, but outliers may dominate presentation

    • Skewed data is not handled well

  • Equal-depth (frequency) partitioning

    • Divides the range into N intervals, each containing approximately same number of samples

    • Good data scaling

    • Managing categorical attributes can be tricky

Binning Methods for Data Smoothing

  • Sorted data for price (in dollars): 4, 8, 9, 15, 21, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 34

  • Partition into equal-frequency (equi-depth) bins:

    • Bin 1: 4, 8, 9, 15

    • Bin 2: 21, 21, 24, 25

    • Bin 3: 26, 28, 29, 34

  • Smoothing by bin means:

    • Bin 1: 9, 9, 9, 9

    • Bin 2: 23, 23, 23, 23

    • Bin 3: 29, 29, 29, 29

  • Smoothing by bin boundaries:

    • Bin 1: 4, 4, 4, 15

    • Bin 2: 21, 21, 25, 25

    • Bin 3: 26, 26, 26, 34

Binarization (One-hot-encoding)

  • Binarization maps a continuous or categorical attribute into one or more binary attributes

    • Often convert a continuous attribute to a categorical attribute and then convert the categorical attribute to a set of binary attributes

    • Typically used for association analysis

Data Exploration

Summary Statistics

  • Summary statistics are numbers that summarize properties of the data

    • For categorical attributes

      • Frequency

      • Mode

    • For continuous attributes

      • Percentiles

      • Measures of Location: Mean and Median

      • Measures of Spread: Range and Variance


  • Used to plot the distribution of the values of a single attribute (한 가지 변수가 어떻게 분포되어 있는지)

    • It divide the values into bins and shows a bar plot of the number of objects in each bin

    • The height of each bar indicates the number of objects

    • Shape of histogram depends on the number of bins ($x$축을 얼마나 잘게 나눌지 결정하는 요소인 bin 개수를 결정하는 것이 중요하다.)

  • Two-Dimensional Histograms

    • Used to plot the joint distribution of the values of two attributes

Box Plots

  • Another way of displaying the distribution 분포 of data

  • Box plots can be used to compare 비교 attributes

  • 50th percentile : 100분위수가 50 (=median 중앙값)

  • 25th, 75th percentile : 4분위수

Scatter Plots

  • Used to plot the pairwise correlations between attributes (두 가지 변수가 어떠한 관계를 가지고 있는지)

    • Each data object is depicted as a marker.

    • The position of a marker is determined by the values of its attributes.

    • While two-dimensional scatter plots are most common, three-dimensional scatter plots can also be utilized.

    • Often, additional attributes can be displayed by using the size, shape, and color of the markers that represent the objects

  • Additional attributes can be incorporated into scatter plots through:

    • Marker Size: Representing an attribute using the size of markers.

    • Marker Shape: Differentiating markers based on an additional attribute.

    • Marker Color: Using color variation to convey information about another attribute.


  • petal_length와 petal_width는 선형적 관계가 있음. (비례하는 형태의 데이터 구성)

  • sepal_width와 sepal_length는 관련이 없다.